Photo of Akshat Sethi

Akshat Sethi

Aeronautics (UG): Year Two Academic Representative

Hi! I want to be your Academic Rep again.

With a proven track record of leading numerous award-winning teams, from F1 in Schools to the FIRST Robotics Challenge, and serving as your academic representative last year and as a house captain for hundreds of students, I know what it takes to empower voices and execute effective leadership as your Academic Representative once again.

Last year, as your Academic Representative, I successfully advocated for greater leniency and guidance in the EP1 module based on your concerns. I also communicated the challenges we faced during our first year to the faculty, helping to implement solutions for our cohort and future students. More recently, I surveyed our current cohort and discussed with past students and relevant professors to identify the most suitable timing for our Materials 2 exam. As you know, I am dedicated to ensuring your concerns are addressed and your voices are heard and I look forward to continuing to represent you with the same commitment and determination.

I am committed to creating a positive academic environment that fuses the requirements of the student body and the Department. Together, your vote will help empower me to drive the change we aspire to bring to Aeronautics.

Vote for experience, dedication, and a passion for improvement.

Vote for Akshat Sethi as your Academic Representative.