Photo of Jay Ambadkar

Jay Ambadkar

JMC (UG): Year One Academic Representative

Hello fellow JMC-ers!

My name is Jay, and like you I have a shared passion for learning about the reconverging fields of mathematics and computer science. As I'm the first term will prove to us, this is a very tough course and we would all like to flourish to an academically enriched future.

To do this effectively, we will need to make sure that any issues with our learning resources are swiftly resolved, which is what I will try to ensure as your JMC year 1 academic representative. Therefore, if elected, I invite you to contact me with all reasonable concerns about course assessments, feedback from submissions and learning resources.

As the rep, I would be very keen to make sure any of these are dealt with as issues raised would affect us all - we don't want that!

Let's do this!!!

Yours, Jay.