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Eszter Gyuris

Council Representative (UG Engineering)

Brothers and sisters of Imperial College!

We stand today on the brink of a new era! The halls of this great institution, Imperial College London, have long been filled with the brilliance of intellect, the rigor of study, and the passion for discovery. But let us be clear: these virtues alone are not enough to guarantee our success. For without a voice—your voice—without representation, we are but shadows in a system, waiting for others to shape our future. This must change!

I stand before you as a candidate for Council Representative not merely to fill a position but to embody the will of all engineering students. For too long, too many of us have been silent, disconnected from the decisions that shape our academic livesutures. This is not how things should be!

Our demands will not be requests, they will be declarations! We will not bow our heads to bureaucratic indifference; we will command the attention of every decision-maker, every policy shaper, every power that holds sway in this college!

Vote for me, your Council Representative, and together, we will forge our future!