Photo of Lana Wang

Lana Wang

Council Representative (UG Engineering)

Hey Imperial Engineers!

I’m Lana, a first-year Mech Eng student, and I’m running to be your Undergraduate Engineering Council Representative!

Why me?

I understand the challenges we face as engineering students because I’m living them, too. My leadership experiences – School Captain, Student Council President, and President of Chinese Student Union – have taught me the power of representation and inclusivity. I’m dedicated to amplifying all your concerns and ideas, making sure they reach the right ears.

What’s in it for you?

  • First years: I’ll advocate for our fresh perspectives, ensuring our voices shape our experience. We’re in this together!
  • International students: Our unique voice matters – let’s make sure they actively shape the conversation!
  • Everyone: By voting for me, you’re choosing a representative who is committed to fostering a united engineering community where every idea counts. Together, we can achieve so much more!

Your voice, your community, your future

Vote for me, Lana, and let’s create an engineering environment where everyone has a seat at the table. I’ll create more forums for open dialogue, accessible communication channels, and initiatives that celebrate our diversity. Your vote is an investment in a more democratic and connected future.

Make your voice count – Vote Lana for Engineering Council Rep!