Photo of Jessica Mead

Jessica Mead

Bioengineering (UG): Year Three Academic Representative (BioEng Stream)

Hi everyone! I'm Jess and I'm running to be your Academic Rep for the Bioengineering Stream.

I aim to contribute meaningfully to the department and support students to make third year as easy as possible. Some of the ways I intend to do this include:
- Developing the current anonymous feedback forms for students to bring up any academic issues.
- Communicating effectively with other Academic Reps to ensure any students on the Bioengineering Steam taking modules from other streams are supported with academic issues and vice versa.
- Driving for more worked solutions to problem sets and exam papers.
- Working with lecturers to provide more questions at a simpler level to check understanding before attempting exam-level questions.
- Engaging with lecturers to give real-time feedback regarding any issues with lectures, study groups or labs to solve any issues quickly, without students waiting to give feedback only once feedback forms come out at the end of term.
- Collaborating with the Bioengineering Society to further develop the 'Bioeng Bible' for more revision resources for all students in all modules.

I am very organised which would be very beneficial for this role and I would utilise these organisation skills to:
- Make detailed notes from all meetings and use these to communicate effectively with other students.
- Respond to any emails or messages from students quickly to sort out any academic issues or queries ASAP.
- Regularly update students on any progress within the department regarding issues that have been brought up.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!