Photo of Muhammad Razak

Muhammad Razak

Chemistry (UG): Year Four Wellbeing Representative

Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. My name is Muhammad, and I'm currently working on a novel bowl-shaped Si-centered catalyst in Professor Chris’s group. When I’m not in the lab or working on coursework, I enjoy running along the Brighton seafront, which helps me clear my mind from the challenges and stress that we all face as Imperial students. I’m also a big football fan and a proud Liverpool supporter.

As a Wellbeing Representative for 4th year chemists, my goal is to improve your relationship with your studies by fostering better communication between students and academics. I want to create a supportive environment where you feel comfortable sharing any concerns, whether academic stress or personal challenges. Your mental health is my top priority, and I recognise how closely it's linked to your physical and emotional wellbeing.

To achieve this, I plan to conduct routine anonymous surveys to gather feedback on your studies and projects, ensuring that I can represent your concerns effectively. Additionally, I’ll always be available as a point of contact to help you address any issues you may face, whether related to coursework, stress, or overall wellbeing.

I have first-hand experience tackling mental health and wellbeing issues, as my brother suffers from bipolar disorder. I understand the importance of regular check-ins, and I hope to bring that care to this role.

Together, we can create a healthier, more supportive academic experience. Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope you vote for me!

Kind regards,
Muhammad Razak