Photo of Linh Nguyen

Linh Nguyen

Physics (UG): Year Two Wellbeing Representative

I think we can all agree first-year Physics was not exactly what we were expecting.

Between the lectures constantly shifting from annoyingly easy to frustratingly hard, the M&R exam that plummeted our self-esteem to rock bottom, and the general feeling of having been "thrown into the deep end" that comes with university life, it's no wonder Imperial's Physics satisfaction rate consistently hovers around 50-60%. And I bet most of you didn't even know that the Student Wellbeing Representative was a thing last year.

Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results", and if elected, I promise to put student welfare above all else. I will ensure the L2 water fountain has cold water. I will improve the microwave (think board games, a new and improved microwave, etc.). I will try to get more free pizza, or at least more socials, for the Physics department. Although some of these may not come to fruition - I wouldn't want to give you all false hope - the achievement of any of these goals will be a great success.

p.s I don't know why my picture is sideways.