Photo of Sofia Hueffer

Sofia Hueffer

Business School (UG): Year Two Academic Representative

I’m excited to announce my candidacy for the academic representative role in our Economics, Finance, and Data Science course. With your support, I aim to promote positive changes that will enhance our learning experience and ensure your voices are heard.

Advocating for Better Scheduling
A key priority for me is advocating for better scheduling of tests and coursework deadlines. By ensuring assessments are spaced out more effectively, we can reduce stress, allow for better preparation, and ultimately improve our performance as a cohort.

Streamlining Feedback Processes
In my role as a Business School Ambassador, I’ve seen firsthand how timely and constructive feedback can benefit students significantly. I plan to work closely with faculty to streamline feedback processes, ensuring we receive prompt responses on assignments and exams. This will enable us to learn from our mistakes and grow more effectively throughout our studies.

Expanding Elective Options
Additionally, I want to expand our elective options, particularly in finance and data science, to ensure we have access to courses that align with our career goals in these high-demand fields.

Commitment to Communication
Through my leadership experience at My Community Bank and as head of Coding Club, I’ve developed strong communication and problem-solving skills, which I’ll use to represent your concerns and ideas effectively. I’m committed to fostering open dialogue between students and faculty, creating a supportive academic environment where every student feels valued and empowered.

Thank you for considering me. I look forward to working with you to make our academic experience even more enriching and rewarding.