Photo of Josh Wood

Josh Wood

Working Class Students: Campaigns Officer

Hey! I’m Josh, and I’m standing for the role of Campaigns Officer. I’m in my third year of Medicine, and I’m a first-generation uni student.

I know that university work can fall by the wayside when bills are due.
I know how hard it is to be taken seriously when you speak up about working-class stereotypes your peers perpetuate.
I know many working-class students who have realised they have been living with undiagnosed ADHD or dyslexia since coming to university.

My point is, I’m running for the role because I know what unique challenges working-class students face and I know more needs to be done to support us through these.

If I’m elected to the position, there are eight main ways I’d like to tackle the issues that working-class and first-generation university students face at Imperial, but also in the wider community:

  • Ensuring that all students are made aware of IC Working Class network and what it does.
  • Launching a survey to find out attitudes towards class amongst Imperial staff and students.
  • Running drop-in welfare sessions to advise working-class students on how to find any extra targeted support they might need.
  • Expanding the working-class network families scheme.
  • Pushing for Imperial to publish inclusivity policy about socioeconomic status, especially with regards to bullying and harrassment.
  • Empowering students to speak out about any discrimination they face.
  • Running sessions to help working-class students find internships and graduate jobs.
  • Reaching out to schools in deprived areas to organise talks that promote access to university.