Yoga: Publicity Officer


Lizzie Sparling

Hi, I'm Lizzie (year 3 Msci Maths) and I'm thrilled to be running for the role of Publicity Officer for the yoga society this year. I'm passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with everyone (from utter newbies to seasoned masters), and I'd love to have a hand in shaping and growing this gorgeoous community. I have a strong eye for design and organisation. As Publicity Officer, I'll ensure our posters, schedules ...

Nagme Bilgehan

Yoga has been a big part of my life for the past five years—my sister introduced me to it after I struggled with back injuries, and it’s become my favourite way to find balance and peace. For me, yoga is all about showing up and being present, with no room for ego or competition, and that’s exactly the vibe I want to share with the club. When I finally discovered the Yoga Club (way too late!), I imm ...

Megan Paine

Hi, I’m Megan and I’m a 5th year medical student. I am running for the role of publicity officer for IC Yoga as I am a passionate member of the society and would like to take on a more active role. I love how friendly and welcoming the society is and think I am very approachable too. Yoga has been so great for my physical and mental wellbeing and I’d like to be able to share that with more people by ...