Photo of Amanda Lee

Amanda Lee

Writers' Society: Social Secretary

Hello everyone,

I’m excited to announce my candidacy for Social Secretary of our Writers' Society! My love for storytelling and building community motivates me to create an engaging environment where all members feel inspired and included.

As Social Secretary, my primary goal will be to organize events that foster creativity and collaboration. I plan to host regular writing workshops, open mic nights, and social gatherings that encourage us to share our work and connect with one another. These events will provide a platform for everyone to explore new ideas and hone their craft.

I believe in the power of communication and will actively promote our activities through social media and newsletters, ensuring everyone is informed and engaged. I want to create a welcoming atmosphere where every voice is heard and valued, helping to spark meaningful conversations about our writing journeys.

Additionally, I’ll work to establish partnerships with other clubs and organizations, expanding our reach and bringing fresh perspectives into our discussions.

I would be honoured to serve as your Social Secretary, working together to build a vibrant community of writers who inspire and support one another. Let’s make our club a hub of creativity and connection!

Thank you for your support!

- Amanda