Photo of Michael Langton

Michael Langton

Design Engineering: Ideas Lab Operations Manager

Hey everyone,

You might know me as the guy who kept all the IDEAS Lab 3D printers up and running last year during The IDE Crisis, or you may not- either way, here are the important facts about why you should want me as someone involved in the upkeep and management of such a cool space.

1. I'm really familiar with the space - I've spent loads of hours over the last year or so and know the ins and outs of the resources avaliable to us and how to help people to use them

2. I love IDEAS lab and everything it stands for - I love helping to provide a space for personal projects

3. Myself and the president are keen to work together to keep IDEAS moving forward with the needs of the student body and continue making it into a welcoming and fun experimental space

I'm always open to hearing any concerns, critisisms or feedback - don't hesitate to email.
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