Hi everyone! I’m Yeline, and I’m excited to once again stand for Department Rep.
It’s been a privilege working with you this year where I:
● Helped organize and manage the Rep network
● Introduced Rep office hours (# coffee chats)
● Implemented the Departmental EdBoard & termly Rep newsletter
● Made sure the Mastery revision for 2nd Years continued and improved
This reelection, I’ll be continuing some of my current work in progress such as:
● Creating a better feedback and assessment system for DAPP projects, with improved peer and supervisor input so you can feel like your work is getting the recognition it deserves
● Expanding post-exam script revisions beyond Mastery, making them available for all year-groups to learn from and build on their knowledge
● Expanding our bioeng bible into a collaborative wiki with organized materials, tips, and guidance in one place; supported by lecturers, alumni, and fellow students
● Improving study group structures so learning feels more supportive, accessible, and effective for everyone
I genuinely love this department and want to keep making our academic journey the best it can be. Thank you for your trust so far, and I hope you’ll give me the chance to continue working hard on your behalf.
Here’s to another year of progress, collaboration, and success, together!
Your Department Rep,