Mohammed Tayyab Khalid
Hello there,
I'm Mohammed Tayyab. You may know me as your 3rd year EIE academic rep. However, if elected, I want everyone to know me as EIE department academic rep. It's not to show off, it so you know you can rely on someone if any academic issue arises.
I've gone to every student staff meeting, and every informal coffee catch-up with the department, unless I physically couldn't. I've always gave my input to everything irregardless of which year it was, and irregardless of it being EEE or EIE related.
Being EIE department academic rep won't necessarily mean I'll only focus on EIE students. EEE will get the same amount of attention. I'll work hard with the rest of the reps to ensure everyone has a good time here, and everyone's voices are heard!
The department will be implementing some changes, and I want to make sure these changes have a good impact on current and future students.
If elected, I will put in the exact same effort as I have as 3rd year EIE academic rep.... which is going above and beyond for the sake of everyone's academic success.
Thank you very much for reading my manifesto.