Yuanze Xia
Council Chair
I’m Yuanze running for Council Chair. Having served as Council International-Office(2 years)&CGCU Vice-President for (1 year), I comprehensively understand how Union operates and how to authentically represent you in College-decision-making.
Union must prioritize student welfare through transparent governance and proactive advocacy. If elected, I will:
1. Increase Student Voices
- Institutionalize pre-council consultations: Distribute meeting agendas in advance ensuring collaborative decision-making with your inputs.
- Establish real-time engagement: Partner with the Felix developing digital portal for live updates on Union activities&instant decisions.
- Empower representatives: train AWOs&Representatives on conducting campus surveys, drafting council-papers, and effectively channeling student concerns.
2. Enhance Accountability
- Executive oversight: Serve as independent inspection officer on Union leadership by rigorously scrutinizing president and deputy presidents’ reports at council meetings, ensuring realization of their election manifestos and work hard to improve your welfare.
- Financial stewardship: audits Union expenditures to guarantee optimal use of money paid by you through membership fees, with detailed breakdowns published via Felix&Union channels.
- Welfare improvements: Push Union President and DPs launch initiatives to improve academic support, mental health services, and career development opportunities.
3. Champion Inclusive Community
- United against division: Maintain Union neutrality on geopolitical conflicts while strengthening intercultural dialogue through partnerships within our community.
- Celebrate diversity: Launch cross-cultural festivals and peer mentorship programs to foster belonging for international students and marginalized groups.
Together, let's build a Union that serves better for you. Your voice matters - let's make it heard.
Vote for Yuanze for Union Council Chair, leadership should truly be “From the people, For the people.”