Photo of Shreyas Satish

Shreyas Satish

CGCU: Events Officer

Hello, I believe that events are the best way to reach new people and to improve people's wellbeing. Many students at Imperial struggle with their work-life balance and end up being too focused on their degree because of how challenging it is. I think that having fun, enjoyable, and intriguing events is the best way to get students like yourself away from their work and doing something to relax, recharge, and refresh themselves.

The first step to this is having an events officer that cares about the quality of the events, one that is dedicated to bringing the best events to you. I know that I am that person. I have experience in organising events within my friend group as well as my neighbourhood. I know what is needed to have a fun event that people can enjoy.

I hope that I have your vote for this position, and promise to deliver some entertaining events for everyone to enjoy.