Zain Khan
Hi everyone!!
My name is Zain and I'm a First Year Physics student.
I am passionate about fundraising for chairity and our union. I want to create a year long plan which will enable the RCSU to hold larger and grander events both now and in successive years.
1) More events especially during Freshers (exclusive clubbing, go karting, etc) (the fundraising from which will allow us to hold higher quality events later in the year).
2) Organising volunteering opportunities to improve relations with Charities, thereby helping the local community while enabling RCSU members to get to know one each other.
3) Competitive events against other IC Unions either in Sport, Arts, or Academia in conjuncture with the resources provides by the wide range of Imperial societies.
4) Statement event at the middle or end of the year, using sponsorship, to create a commemorative experience while gaining funds to turn next years events up a notch.
In order to hold such event I will personally reach out and keep in contact with reputable companies and firms allowing the RCSU to hold prestigious and renowned events while mainting a close relationship with sponsors will benefit my fellow RCSU membes and graduates.
!! Lets create an unforgetable Imperial experience together :)!!