Photo of Zain Khan

Zain Khan

RCSU: Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone!

My name is Zain, and I am a First year undergraduate.

I like many of you have enjoyed the many events held by the RCSU, the Autumn ball a particular favourite. I would like to facilitate sponsorships from both local business and globally renowned companies, and work with the events officers to allow more fantastic events to occur.

By keeping close connections with companies, I hope to be able to create opportunities such work experience to further RCSU members future careers.

If elected my main priorities will be:

1) Outreach to prestigious companies through alumni or other routes with Imperial and maintain a close relationship through frequent updates (weekly newsletter)

2) Set up sponsorship for both academic and competitive sports events (against other Universities or Unions). This may involve inviting potential sponsors to the University for not only a tour of RCSU departments but also a pitch (alongside the relevant RCSU officers) of events to come.

3) Set up exclusive work experiences (Spring onwards) and Summer internships only available to RCSU members. Thereby cutting out the competition and putting you first.

4) Creating a Weekly Newsletter to keep in contact with you on exciting upcoming events, guest talks and opportunities to get involved in both research and other experience