To me, Gazette is more than a newsletter; it’s a celebration of ICSM’s culture. I see the future of Gazette as a way for each student to hear the voices of their peers, connect with the happenings around them, and be an active part in Imperial’s School of Medicine. The Gazette does a great job at this currently, but I hope to elevate it a notch further. I aim to make reading the Gazette more enjoyable of an experience by including fun easter eggs, quizzes, and quips while reporting on our events. Most importantly, I want the voices of YOU all to be heard! You know and love the events happening here – and I want your perspective on them to shine through.
I have always been passionate about writing, having won school journalism competitions and ‘Best Article’ in MUN as a press delegate. Moreover, having been in leadership positions in various clubs and societies in school, I have garnered the necessary teamworking and communication skills needed to work with you all and bring my vision for the Gazette to life. By the end of the next academic year, I hope to see the Gazette as a popular mode of receiving information regarding events happening at Imperial, with many people contributing to it by sharing their thoughts with me, rather than it being seen as something exclusive. I hope my previous experience as a writer and team player proves to you that I am suitable for this role.