Ali Zubair
Assalam alaikum!
My name is Ali and I greatly look forward to the opportunity to be your PakSoc VP next year. I was born in Lahore, raised in Islamabad, but lived the last few years in Karachi. I believe PakSoc is a great place to be, whether its because you're missing home, or to explore the beautiful heritage, or if you're just looking for fun cultural events.
I hope to collaborate with the committee not only in organisation and logistics, but also to bring about initiatives that will hopefully enrich our shared experience as the PakSoc community. These are (but not limited to):
- PakSoc Super League (intra-society sports event)
- Increase collaboration and rapport with other societies at Imperial
- Facilitating shared events with PakSocs from other unis - for example hiking, literary, or sports events
- Organising career oriented initiatives such as networking events and setting up an active alumni mentorship system
- Initiating events to promote and explore the beauty of the Urdu language, such as through collaborations with established organisations
Pakistan Zindabad!