Candice Huo
Elephant in the room: vote for me for vice president!!!!
Now let me convince you, why that's the best choice of your life:
When I become the vice president, I will work closely with the sponsorship officer, so we maintain our relationship with external companies. I will invite them to give us guest lecture or workshops, which will be very interesting and useful to broaden your knowledge, and it allows you to network (500+ connections on LinkedIn is waiving at you). You'll be like a polymer percolating in gel formation: network builds up to infinity!
Furthermore, I will keep running the lunchtime lectures. I am extremely passionate about them and I will run them more frequently. I want to maintain the lectures from our departmental researchers, while also inviting more external researchers/industry specialists to come and give lectures.
I'm very open to suggestions. So, if you have any topics you really want to hear during lunchtime lectures, come to me and I'll get it see-it-say-it-sorted.
Lastly, I will organize industrial trips both in and outside of UK. I have great organization and communication skills through tutoring and ambassador work, so I could definitely offer trips that will be the highlight of your summer (or maybe even of your life). I will ensure all trips run smoothly just like a dislocation on close packed direction.
To sum up, I'll use the language we all understand:
while MatSoc_Vice_President == "Candice":
fun_you_have = 100%
if Candice != elected: