Photo of boyan Meng

boyan Meng

Finance: President

Hey all, I'm William, and I'm running to be your president this year.

On the society side, I brought in more than £5000 of funding for our society, which enabled us to host larger-scale events such as fireside chats. I plan to bring in more funding so we can restore the formal glory of the old days - when our society used to be able to fund amazing trips such as the New York and SF tours.

On the internship side, I have secured summer offers from JPM AM and HSBC IBD, so I will be able to provide you all with insights into securing the internship you want. Having said this, I will utilize my extensive network to keep the great fireside chat tradition going and will also bring more exclusive networking opportunities for society members with BB/Buyside firms to help all students develop.

PS: Lots of merchandise at a reduced price will come your way, so stay tuned for that if I become your president ;)