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Ash Robson

Team Bo': Chair

Ash here, your current Derrick Rider and a high functioning Swarfega addict. I am running for Bo Driver
because as much as Bo is a crotchety old man, I love him. I hope that you can relate when I say that I've let
garage consume my free time, and it is time that I have gladly given, and will gladly give. After all, we all know
Bo comes first! I think that I will be a successful Bo Driver due to my preexisting experience of maintaining Bo,
leading Derrick's recovery, and planning major annual events, such as this year's Sci Fi Soc convention, Picocon
(first of March, do come along!). Most importantly of all, I will give my all into making sure the old geezer gets to
Brighton. As Bo Driver I will be devoted, friendly and proactive. I will get Bo's lathe running, make Bo (and
Derrick) merch, and ensure that the next generation of garage addicts get as much out of the club as I have.