Photo of Arnav Gautam

Arnav Gautam

Astronomy: President


I’m Arnav. This past year I’ve been AstroSoc's equipment manager, and very recently, I assumed the role of president. My time with this society has taught me a lot. Most importantly, dealing with all the things that can go wrong, including clouds, cold, alignment, collimation, disgruntled man kicking us out of his field, batteries, union, money, and more. Safe to say, I know the ropes, and with these ropes firmly in hand, I have a plan to steer this society to new heights.

Firstly, I believe we need more Soc in AstroSoc and that more frequent "casual” events will help build a tighter community. Events where members simply meet up, socialise, discuss astronomy, and present astro-adjacent things. Similarly, we can hold impromptu stargazing sessions and have more short trips like going to observatories, museums, Royal Astronomical Society events, etc.

On the academic side, you can expect lectures from guest speakers, and we will also be inviting Imperial professors and students to talk about their research. In addition, we can have science-focused stargazing sessions and investigate objects such as variable stars. I also intend to get the society affiliated with the IOP, giving us more funding and allowing us to interact with other societies.

There are big plans in the works (new telescopes, more trips to dark locations,…), and I would love the opportunity to continue to be your president. This society has given me a lot, and I still have a lot to give to it.

Clear skies