Photo of Justin Tam

Justin Tam

IQ (Imperial College LGBT+): Junior Treasurer

Hi! I'm Justin, a Year 2 Chemist, and I'm delighted to be running for Treasurer!

I'd like to help with the running of IQ, because it's such a fun and important society, having so many events and supporting a large part of our community. As treasurer, I'll do my best to deal with the finances smoothly and quickly, so IQ can keep on serving you and organising events and hang-outs.

Most importantly, I would like to make IQ events more accessible and affordable to everyone, so that more people can come and join us!

My current role as Treasurer for Artsoc, one of the biggest clubs at Imperial, has equipped me with the organisation and management skills needed for this position, and I am familiar with the union's finance systems and processes. I hope you will give me the chance to serve everyone! Thank you!