Chloe Tang
heyhey! i'm chloe and i'm running to be your treasurer for 25-26 :)
although i've only started ice hockey this year, i have a long 4 years ahead of me at imperial which will be full of commitment, passion, and love for the devils (oh, and maybe trying to finish my chemistry degree..?) i bring with me a bout of fresh ideas, artistic skill, and lots and lots of good financial decisions! (fun fact. i bought my own skates a week after learning to skate....and a stick shortly after). i'll be sure to put my all into being a dedicated treasurer for the club, to ensure we can have the best time without thoughts of money plaguing your minds (i'll take those hits).
things i will strive to do:
- jersey order done and paid for on time (by christmas!!!). and have the jerseys made well.
- legacy jerseys/merch by the end of the year (designed by yours truly....? >.>)
- get a dimmy head/suit made for someone to wear. even if i have to make it myself.
- keep a closer eye on our finances than i do on the puck
- not get us more into debt
- become besties with union for the ££ (who can say no to this face)
things i will not strive to do:
- have a piñata made of me
- have a piñata made of me...
tldr: i am kemist, i am fated to go into finance, please vote me for treasurer ;)
much love, thank you all <3