Physics: Treasurer


Casano Kirlew

Hi my name is Casano and I am aiming to be Physics Treasurer. With my previous experience of running finances within other societies and in sixth form. I would be a great candidate for the role, I also have a great connections with current members of the society so I have a great understanding of of how things currently operate. If selected as treasurer, I am committed to: Developing a comprehensive budget that ...

Juan Rajagopal

Hi everyone - my name is Juan Rajagopal from Year 3 Physics and I am excited to be running for Treasurer this year! Over the past few years, PhySoc finances have been shaky, unfortunately leading to the cancellation of the PhySoc boat party last year. Finances are now looking healthy, but are spent across many commitments, and it is of the utmost importance to manage them responsibly, through the power of spreadshee ...

Alexandra Hoehl

This one goes out to you, Hamza. Here’s what I can offer you: Experience with CSP financial processes Efficiency & Diligence Organised and transparent committee work Approachablility Sometimes funny jokes Should you vote for me, I will do my best to help physoc deliver fun social events and other opportunities to give everyone space to share their passion for physics and find a community that su ...