Helllooo sailors! I’m running to be your treasurer because I love sailing, and the thrill of making sure we don’t accidentally go bankrupt. I want to make sure we’re not just keeping the club afloat (literally and financially), but also using our funds strategically to get the union on our side. In doing so, we can secure more support, grow the club, and make it even more welcoming. I’ve b ...
Greetings party people! I joined sailing at the start of this year and have loved every second of it which is why I would I like to nominate myself to join the committee next year. As treasurer I would like to improve the glorious Imperial sailing by promoting growth both within Imperial and the university sailing community. The key to growing the society is in increasing active members. Here are some of my ideas to ...
Hello lovely Sailors, I’m running to be your next treasurer. Lilli did an incredible job in the past year and I’m aspiring to live up to that and use this position to give back to the club for the amazing last two years I’ve been with sailing. As treasurer, I am aiming to keep things affordable for the club and its members, whether that is talking to QM about membership and boat parking fees, our ...