Photo of Sam Lynn

Sam Lynn

Boat: Treasurer

Hi I'm Sam, a second year member of the boat club and I'm running for the position of treasurer next season.

Having spent the past six months refining my skills in complex accounting and management (getting Fran to pay his bills on time... it's harder than it sounds!) I've mastered the art of nagging and developed some serious determination. These qualities leave me in an excellent place to give back to the boat club by managing its finances and purchases as well as dealing with the extremely competent members of our student union.

My goals for the next season are to push for the boat club to make the most of the available money. I aim for the entirety of the yearly budget to be spent throughout the season on things that will improve the lives of both the men's and women's squads. Whether that be pushing to repair gym equipment, or encouraging our captains and coaches to invest in new telemetry. The money our club has to offer is of no use to us if we don't spend it while we're still at Imperial.

You know what they say, "use it or lose it".