Samantha Chow
Hi! I’m Samantha, a 1st-year Materials student, and I’d love to be your secretary next year!
ArtSoc has given me the opportunity to watch many incredible musicals and plays — some of which I had never heard of before joining — making the most out of London’s theatre scene on a student budget while meeting others who also love live theatre. I want to help ensure that the society continues to run smoothly and remains as accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
With experience in organisation, communication, and teamwork from being assistant director and working in outreach, I am confident in my ability to keep things organised. As secretary, I will maintain clear communication between the committee and members, keeping everyone up to date on any new ticket releases and events. I will also work closely with the committee to coordinate theatre trips, making ArtSoc events as affordable and enjoyable as possible.
If you’re looking for a dedicated, organised and proactive secretary, vote for me !! :)