Photo of Ashley Moi

Ashley Moi

Musical Theatre: Secretary

MTSoc quickly became a second home to me, not just for the number of hours I've spent there but also the people that have welcomed me with open arms - I would love to be part of committee to give back to the society! Here's why you should vote me as your next Secretary:

As someone that already loves to schedule their life to a T, doing it for a whole society will only be second nature! Having already been secretary for other events in my previous school such as for Open House and the council's internal department, I have experience with handling logistics and speadsheets and discovered I work well behind the scenes. I am no stranger to event planning and handling workflow both for consistent activities (collabs!) and big events (termly shows!!!), and I only wish to bring more of these events to MTsoc so everyone can have more opportunities to have fun and display their incredible skills, or even just appreciate the wonderful art of musicals!

I also intend to ensure that communications with Union and other societies are as amicable as can be to ensure that all events can go off without a hitch. I am always receptive to feedback from other members in the society and will do my utmost to ensure that everyone is heard.

Lastly, you'll be blessed with my loaded bank of GIFs that I've been saving since I learned that secretaries got to put them in emails :)