Photo of Vanessa Ussalim

Vanessa Ussalim

Indonesian: Secretary

The smell of fried snacks wafts the air, as you hear chants of bargain prices inviting you in. You are about to step closer before a motorbike jets across, knocking you back… to reality. Because Indonesia is miles away and you remember that you’re still in London; even so, you long for home.

But Imperial doesn’t have to feel that way.

Hi! I'm Vanessa, a 1st year BEng Materials student and as secretary, I will aim to foster Imperial IndoSoc into a tight-knit yet welcoming community by ensuring that all events & activities serve remembrances to little pieces of nostalgia each of us identify Indonesia with. Having been a part of multiple organisations in the past, I've always looked forward to the collaboration, idea brainstorming and organisational tasks being a secretary involves. To more fun, more engaging socials & more laughter-filled memories to call Imperial IndoSoc our second home — vote for Vanessa !!