Photo of Cyrus Chen

Cyrus Chen

Ultimate Frisbee: Vice Open's Captain

Hello, I am Cyrus and I am running for Vice Captain. I'm going into my second year in civil engineering and I've been playing frisbee for 5 years.

My goal is to help us grow as a team, both in skill and in spirit by fostering an environment where we push each other to be better. I also want to make sure our training schedule is as effective as possible, including combining two session on Wednesday and Sunday into one to improve attendance and save budget.

For me, frisbee is more than just a sport, it's a community. I want to be Vice Captain because I care about this team and its future. I want to be the kind of leader who encourages everyone to give their best while making sure we stay connected as a team. Whether it's pushing through tough practices, strategizing for big games, or just keeping morale high,I'll be there to support and motivate. Let's make this season one to remember!