Photo of Miguel Carreira

Miguel Carreira

Alternative Music: Assistant Junior Treasurer

Hello everyone! My name is Miguel and I'm a first year Physics student. AMS has certainly been a highlight of my experience at uni so far - the people I've met, events I've been to, new musical tastes acquired - and I am hoping to give back a little by helping to run it next year as the events officer.

As events officer, I will make sure to organise all of the events that have become AMS tradition over the past few years: record store crawls, bring your own vynil nights, karaokes... As an avid member of Imperial Quiz Society, I also plan to help write and organise the yearly AMS quiz.

Some of my other ideas for AMS events include:

- More club nights such as Pink Glove disco

- Further collabs with IQ to explore the queer music scene

- End of term socials

- AMS jams / band night for any AMS musicians to show off their skills (maybe organise a collab with Live Music society)

- Any concerts members want to go to + cheaper gigs at local live music venues (such as the Windmill Brixton)

- Collabs with other London unis

As someone with experience in running the social media for a few clubs at secondary school, I will also use these skills to promote our society's events and recruit more alternative music enthusiasts by running the AMS instagram page.

See you at the Tuesday socials ;)