Photo of Cheryl Kuek

Cheryl Kuek

Artsoc: Concert Officer

Hello! I'm Cheryl Kuek, a first year Malaysian student, and I am excited to run for the Concert Officer position for the upcoming academic year!

My first-ever theatrical experience was The Phantom of the Opera during its 2019 World Tour in Malaysia. It was a breathtaking performance, and I feel incredibly lucky to have had Phantom as my first musical experience. My passion for theatrical productions stems from my mother’s deep love for them, so much so that she encouraged me to attend multiple theatrical performances while studying in London.

Through Art Society, I had the opportunity to enjoy stall seats for Les Misérables, which further solidified my love for musicals, as it was the most unforgettable production experiences I’ve had. I hope to bring similar experiences to all members in the future, making theatre and the performing arts more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

As Concert Officer, I aim to organise trips to theatrical productions, ballet performances, and circus shows in central London. I will continue the current suggestion-based system, ensuring the lineup is decided through polls to reflect members' interests.

Vote for me!