Hi, I’m Skanda Swaminathan. I’m running for biochemsoc president this year. “Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders” Communication: the cornerstone of society. Communication: lacking between first years and their seniors. Communication: which I intend to facilitate by instituting a more robust WhatsApp community for the entirety of biochemsoc (Y1-Y4). This community would be separa ...
Hey Everyone! I’m Camila, a second-year student, and I am excited to step into my third year at Imperial, hopefully as your next BiochemSoc President. Having served as your Academic Events Officer this year, I’ve learned about how the society runs and identified areas for growth and improvement. I am confident that I can make your next year of Biochemistry more enjoyable, enriching, and full of opportuni ...
I would make a biochem joke here, but there would be no reaction… Hey everyone I’m Logan and I hope that you give me the opportunity to help you next year in our Biochemistry society. I would like to give our society a Christmas dinner next year (nice try current Biochem society, you were sooo close), as well as hoodies and bucket hats. Biochemistry is a little mean sometimes (I’m still not over p ...