Hello biochemists! If you felt like this year's biochemistry society has been... a little lacking... I can change that!
Do you want more merch competitions and to receive the merch within a few weeks? Do you want more of a support network from your biochem families and other students? How about a common room well stocked with snacks and working equipment?
As vice-president, I would ensure:
- answers to the questions above
- more social events, planned with your input!
- multiple biochem family events throughout the year
- mentoring events like placements, internships, and careers talks by final years and alumni
- actual merch! Not just bucket hats, but tote bags, key chains, cups, and shirts/zips too!
- a return of the biochem/biomed careers fair, but with more companies and institutions that actually want to talk to first and second years
- increased shared resources, like notes and question banks
- communication with the department and education office for more organization and efficiency‒ why does it take SO long to mark practicals and exams?? Can we get more centrifuges?
- and of course, more biochemistry memes in our emails
Why vote for me?
- I am very determined, and I will not settle for a mediocre society, so you can count on me to improve Biochem Soc
- I am easy to reach, always around SAF (I go to every lecture!) and always online on WhatsApp
Please reach out with any questions! I hope to make Biochem Soc better with fun events, goodies, and more support next year!