I am running for the role of Webmaster for DocSoc with a clear goal: to further our digital presence for both our members and external audiences. As the largest society at ICL, we deserve a website that reflects our size, diversity, and ambition.
1. Revamping the main DocSoc website
Our current website is in dire need of improvement. If elected, I will lead the charge in redesigning the site to include a modern design, along with access to essential information including all upcoming and completed DocSoc events in one accessible location.
2. Better delivery of the ICH website
IC Hack is the GOAT of hackathons, but the website this year suffered from avoidable errors that weren't tested in advance, which disrupted hackers and caused frustration. I will immediately begin designing a user-oriented experience and allow time for sufficient testing, ensuring that our members can access event details, resources, and support without issues in ICH26.
3. Collaboration and Feedback
I will actively collaborate with the committee and gather feedback from members to ensure that all of DocSoc's digital projects meet everyone’s needs.
Why me?
I am passionate about both web development and the success of DocSoc, and truly believe the society deserves a website that fits its reputation. I'm experienced in web development and have also directly worked with past webmasters. In addition, JMC has prepared me well for the sleepless nights required to work on massive projects for DocSoc.
Vote for me to create websites that truly represent DocSoc’s excellence!