Photo of Gangah Sivapooranan

Gangah Sivapooranan

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières: Treasurer

Hi, my name is Gangah, and I'm a third-year medical student. I am deeply inspired by the humanitarian work of Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières and believe this society provides an incredible platform for students to engage with global health and medical aid initiatives. I'm running for Treasurer to ensure the society has the funding and resources to continue raising awareness, hosting impactful events, and supporting MSF's mission.

I have gained financial experience through managing budgets and securing funding in previous accounting jobs and committee roles. Currently, as a member of the Doctorpreneurs subcommittee, I work on marketing and sponsorships - skills I aim to bring to the Friends of MSF society. Additionally, I will prioritise clear financial reporting so members are aware of how funds are allocated.

If elected, I will focus on increasing sponsorships to support fundraising efforts, strategically budgeting to reduce costs for events and initiatives, and ensuring we maximize our impact in promoting MSF’s work and humanitarian efforts.

Please vote for me—with your support, I can help Friends of MSF Society grow and thrive!