Photo of Raquel Fernandes da Silva

Raquel Fernandes da Silva

Synchronized Swimming: Social Secretary

Hi all! I’m super excited to run for Synchro Social Sec :) My main aim is to organise fun events where we can get to know each other better outside of the pool.

In addition to ACC and dinner parties, I would love for us to celebrate holidays together and have some themed nights - karaoke/game nights, presentation party, CNY dinner, etc. It would also be great to try to organise some joint socials with other clubs, such as Imperial and KCL Swim & Water Polo and UCL Swimming. In addition, I would want to encourage people to go together to union bar after practice - drinking is not compulsory, but socialising is! :D

Lastly, I would love to support the rest of the committee, particularly at the beginning of the year, in organising events to promote synchro to any interested students. And of course have a proper ice-breaker social at the beginning of the year to welcome the freshers (maybe start some synchro traditions?? :P)

I will also ask everyone for social suggestions at the beginning of each term - I am sure you guys have great ideas for socials, so I am happy to bring them to life!

Above all, I believe everyone in synchro is super cool and fun and I would love to find any and every excuse for us to enjoy each other's company, while also helping us all feel closer and help strengthen our teamwork abilities in the pool :)