Photo of Mustafaa Khan

Mustafaa Khan

Debating: Training Officer

Hey I'm Mustafaa

Here are my goals:

1) Make the novice workshops more dynamic and varied

  • Add workshops which focus solely on interactive tasks and broad debating skills. Especially at the start of the year, replacing some of the basic skills sessions.
  • Alternate between basic skills workshops (e.g. characterisation) and content heavy matter workshops (e.g. internation relations) rather than have all the content heavy workshops at the end of the year.
  • Update matter workshops so they are not just good for debating but genuinely interesting including some current affairs
  • Have other committee deliver specific workshops that suite their strengths.

2) Improve Digital Resources: Ensure all PPT and resources are available for catch-up. Publicise the schedule for all workshops well in advance. Finally, create a page of novice and advanced resources including YT videos specific to debating and general sources.

3) Help novices to do competitions: I will advocate for novices who seem motivated and are engaging with feedback to be prioritised to speak at competitions over more experienced debaters. I also want to encourage more pro-ams both in training sessions and at competitions.

4) Oversee and co-ordinate with advanced workshops ensuring that we can have both novice and advanced sessions rather than combining them.