Will Zhang
Hi, I'm Will, currently a second year JMC student, and I am hoping to run for DoCSoc Sponsor Liason this year!
This year I was an organiser for IC Hack, on the Logistics team - you may have seen me looking extremely tired or with my phone out filming random tidbits. Given how much I enjoyed helping out with IC Hack this year, I'm hoping to ensure this amazing event maintains its insanely high quality for future years and becomes even more enjoyable for hackers than ever!
In addition to IC Hack, I helped organise a bunch of international CTF competitions back in high school, which required reaching out to sponsors in order to fund prizes and infrastructure costs. Doing this has helped me improve my ability to communicate with others in a professional manner, as well as enhance my management skills.
If elected, I aim to:
- Ensure our existing sponsor relations are maintained
- Expand our set of sponsors to include a diverse set of companies to cater to all student interests (and also diversify the free merch you get from them!)
- Increase the opportunities for 1st and 2nd years to interact with sponsors and hopefully ease the process of finding internships etc. in later years.
- Acquire enough budget to make IC Hack even better than before (and hopefully do badges again!!!)
many thanks, and vote for me please c: