Ifechukwude Ndozi
Hi my name is Ifechukwude Ndozi but everyone calls me Chude for short.
I am currently a first year computing student and I am running for web administrator. I have some experience using some front-end and backend technologies in website development and I want to put these skills to good use to help the website become more interactive and relevant as I'm sure many of you like myself were not aware of the ACS website.
I believe the current website is lacking in multiple areas and is quite old and outdated. It is important for a society like this to have an engaging website since it might be the first point of contact for people interested in the society who want to learn more about what we do. It is also a great place to present and showcase the achievements and events held by the society for people to see.
My plans to improve the website include to regularly update the calendar of events making it easier for members to keep track of things, posting more images from events and updating the committee information page amongst other things.
Hopefully this was enough to convince you to vote for me for this role .
Ifechukwude Ndozi