Photo of Isabel Hernando Conde

Isabel Hernando Conde

Book: Vice Chair

Hey guys!!

Here we are 3 years later:) I am not gonna lie, I am super excited about getting the oportunity to organise book for a third year in committee, as a person that debated between studying engineering or literature, book soc was the first society I joined at Imperial and, thank god, because we are very clearly, the best.

I have been in committee for the last 2 years and now that Paula is finally leaving us (please don't go:((( ) I could not be more excited to take our baby book club and get it a good pint at union. I might even bore it with Virginia Woolfe facts.

From social sec to vice chair, I have loved to organise our monthly meetings and host our post christmas dinner drinks, trivia night (which we shall bring back again in spring) and just chat with everyone in our bookshop crawl!

For next year, let's try and get those baking sessions going so that we have some homemade snacks before the meetings, and try for even more socials so that we can see more of each other:)

Again, I just could not be more excited to see you all for one more (and last year) before graduation comes around, no one I would rather spend it with ahhahah.

Please please ignore the tilted picture idk what the website is on and thank you for reading my nostalgic rant!

Bookish love
