Gabrielle Boyer
Imagine getting dodgy emails every two weeks. Would be nice wouldn't it?
As your club sec next year, I will be ready to commit even more time to this club because turns out sleep deprivation doesn't kill you. I will dedicate my time and energy into writing regular and entertaining emails rather than my master's thesis (I'm pretty sure Ron doesn't have his priorities sorted like I do). I promise you regular (Sunday 6 pm will be the new highlight of your week) looong (I-hate-word-limits-and-I-will-take-full-advantage-of-the-fact-there-isn't-any-in-emails-and-anyone-who-tells-me-to-cut-out-stuff-will-be-handed-a-one-way-ticket-to-my-grudge-list) emails, filled with plenty of jokes, irrelevant info on the club, custom made memes, bold, italics and colourful highlighting, but I can't promise I'll keep my promises (also I don't know how to use ChatGPT (yeah I'm old and stubborn (and I also hate putting parenthesises within parentheses because it just doesn't look nice but I am full of contradictions)) so you'll have to bear through hand-made artisanal emails).
Turns out club sec isn't just about writing emails (a plot twist I myself did not expect) so I'll also do the other stuff I'm meant to do (just give me time to actually figure out what I'm meant to do) but worry not, if push comes to shove, I'll make an excel spread sheet because spread sheets are literally the solution to all problems in life (I love making spread sheets cf. tour sec manifesto).
On that note please vote for me because I'm pretty sure I'll write better emails than Ron.