Photo of Yana Aggarwal

Yana Aggarwal

Indian: Charity and Outreach Officer

Hello everyone! I’m Yana, a first year computing student, and I’m running to be your Charity and Outreach officer!

Having organised charity events at my school, as well as having had my own fundraiser for India during COVID-19, where I raised over £500 for hospitals in India, I feel like this role is perfect for me. I will be dedicated to finding the best charities, run by Indian organisations, to donate to, in order to make a real difference to Indian people. In particular, I have a focus on choosing charities which aim to end violence against women and girls in India, as I believe that this is a really worthwhile cause.

I believe that as a society, we can make such a big impact on the lives of others, and that we should do it if we are able to. We are lucky that we are able to give so generously back to our country, and I hope that this can only continue and grow in the future. As your Charity and Outreach officer, I would value your input on what charities we should choose to reflect the values of our wonderful members, and find the ones that are making a real positive difference.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope that you will consider voting for me!