James Stadler
Hey everyone, I'm James, you've hopefully seen me around at philosophy meetings this term.
The purpose of a secretary is just to be an organiser, which I think I'll do a good job of. I'll start sending out weekly emails and help organise some of the larger initiatives the committee is planning on putting on, like more continuity between texts across weeks and outings such as philosophy cafe and more.
As John Locke once said:
"I once saw a creature that was the issue of a cat and a rat, and had the plain marks of both about it; wherein nature appeared to have followed the pattern of neither sort alone, but to have jumbled them both together" (translation: I once saw a cat-rat hybrid)
How is this relevant? It isn't, I just thought it was funny.
P.S if you're wondering why he said that, it was an example to illustrate how there are no strict boundaries between kinds in nature, but imo he was just desperate to tell someone about the cat-rat.