Photo of Charlie Barklam

Charlie Barklam

A Cappella: Treasurer

When Jan, current Nth treasurer, heard I was running for Aca treasurer, he suggested that I propose his accounting philosophy in my application. While I can imagine the excitement of that cheeky little roulette ball landing on those big green zeroes, I thought it immature, and so I instead come to you as a reliable and trustworthy treasurer, and a solid guard against James Porter's thieving hands.

Jokes aside, in my short lifespan, I've had the pleasure of managing group holiday finances, expertly noting all expenses, and keeping locked eyes on every missed payment. My new experiences as a Uni student has made me no stranger to efficient and effective budgeting, and I pride myself in not having once dipped into any overdraft.

When it comes to my technical expertise, coming from a Computing degree, EActivities will quiver in the sight of my Excel skills, and I have honed the art of navigating frustrating Union pathways.

What will I add as Treasurer?

I hope to produce a complete and clear dialogue between groups and towards the committee.

While I am far from Elon Musk and his army of teenagers, I hope to analyse and see how we can improve our spending (Nth's debt has been a life lesson)

To increase cohesion between groups, and an ever-stronger sense of aca-pride!