Felicia Ng
Hey everyone! I'm Felicia, your current social secretary, and I'm excited to announce that I'm running for treasurer next academic year!
As social secretary this year, I’ve organized weekly socials for everyone, and as treasurer, I’ll bring the same dedication and hard work to keep costs as low as possible for the society. The treasurer role is vital in Cheerleading, handling funding and fees, and I’m confident that my organization skills will make me a great fit.
Next year will mark my third year in Cheerleading, meaning I’ll bring plenty of experience and be a familiar, friendly face in the society. I also hope that by taking on this role, I’ll gain a deeper understanding of all aspects of Cheerleading—preparing me to hopefully become President one day!
Thank you, and don’t forget to vote for me—I’ll love you forever! 💙🤍❤️