Photo of Katharina Felici

Katharina Felici

Women in SET: Felix Correspondent

Having participated this year as a copy editor for the felix newspaper and been a member of women in SET, I feel I am in a great position to work as a bridge between the 2 societies. Recently I contributed to writing an article covering the Femtech networking conference, where I interviewed several influential figures in FemTech and listened to their talks. After this I felt that I would love to continue such work.

I would love the opportunity to use my interpersonal skills in tandem with my writing ability to discuss important issues both from the perspective of our experience at Imperial and from inspirational women in science.

In this role, I would be reaching out to important female figures across different scientific areas to show accounts and experiences of these people. These stories are vital for the current generation of female scientists, allowing us to learn from successful women and to appreciate the presence of women in STEM subjects, a presence which can often be overlooked and overshadowed.